Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016 NCAA Basketball Conference Tournament Pool Coming Soon

It's that time of year again...

During the week of 2/14, our 2016 NCAA basketball conference tournament pool rules and entry form will be sent out.  This will be our 6th year of doing this pool, it has gotten larger and more fun every year!

Congrats to last years champion, Chris Galpin, who dominated this pool wire to wire in 2015!  He's never watched a college basketball game in his life, but he sure did beat everyone's ass last year.

Below I have included a preview of the rules, no changes for this year, if you have any questions or suggestions please let me know, otherwise be on the lookout for more information later in February.  

If you are interested in playing this year please let me know and I will reserve a spot for you.

For those of you that are going to be new to this pool, it is a lot of fun, whether you are into college basketball or not, lots of money can be won in a short period of time.  You will also be made fun of at some point during conference week.

The game is simple, all you do is pick who you think is going to win each of the 31 conference championships.

The entry fee is $50 with the following payout structure:  

1st Place receives a 60% payout
2nd Place receives a 25% payout
3rd Place receives a 15% payout
4th Place receives a free entry for the 2017 pool*

*This years free entry is awarded to Young based on his 2014 finish

This Pool Has a Very Easy Scoring System: The person with the combination of most correct picks, including bonus points, wins the pool.  

Bonus Points are Available:  The bonus point scoring is simple, for every 3 seed or lower winner that you pick, you will be awarded 1 bonus point.  In 2015 11 out of 31 (35%) conference tournament winners were a 3 seed or lower.


More Ways to Win Money!

The really nice thing about this pool is you have more ways to win money, so even if you're not towards the top of the standings you can still win money throughout the conference tournament week.  It's likely we'll have some ties, so the money gets split among all winners in the event of a tie.

1. Most Bonus Points:  The person with the most total bonus points will win $100

2. Most Power Conference Points:  The person with the most Power Conference points will win $100 (The Power Conferences will be highlighted in red)

3. Lowest Winning Seed:  The person who has the lowest winning seed conference champion wins $50 (Go 6 seeds!)

4. Closest Big 10 Score:  The person with the closest Big 10 championship game score wins $50 (This is the last conference championship game, so even if you're in last place you have the opportunity to recoup $50!)

As conference tournaments complete at different dates through Selection Sunday, 3/13 I will post updates with the current standing at:
