Thursday, March 10, 2016

Selection Sunday is Approaching

Here are the current standings through most of today's games, along with some of the highlights.  

I will continue to post standings throughout the night as things change, but with no championship games tonight I figure might as well get the blog out early.

Young is going to be really hard to catch at some point, he is just not racking up losses like the rest of us are.  Honestly, everyone is still in the running to finish in money, we still have 19 championship games yet to be decided.

Notre Dame and Duke played early this afternoon, they ended up going to overtime, and then Notre Dame smacked down Duke in OT.

In another early afternoon surprise in the B1G, Illinois knocked off Iowa, which made many people happy in our pool.  We'll celebrate with a picture of Lovie Smith -- Get those Football Tickets!

We again have 0 championship games tomorrow night.  Get ready for 19 championships over the weekend.

And the countdown to Selection Sunday has started!

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