Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A UNC (Insert Name) School Did Not Punch a Ticket Today

Here are the current standings through most of today's games, along with some of the highlights.  

A North Carolina affiliated college did NOT win a championship today for the first day in a while (Asheville, Wilmington, etc.).  Get it?

Even though tomorrow only has 1 championship game, I'm sticking with the same format that I have used for the past few days, I think it's working well to summarize everything that is going on.

Today through Sunday is literally basketball all day, games start as early as 11:00 AM CST, and end as late as 1:00 AM CST.  And Chris Iannuzzi probably has not watched 1 game.

Today we had 4 more teams advance to the NCAA Tournament:  Wisconsin Green Bay (Horizon), Fairly Dickenson (Northeast), South Dakota State (Summit), and Gonzaga (West Coast).

Tomorrow's Championship Games (3/9)

Patriot - 6:30 pm CST
  • (9) Holy Cross vs. (2) Lehigh
  • A couple people chose Lehigh, nobody chose Holy Cross, so most of us will be rooting for Jesus
  • No Bonus points are at stake

Let's look at the top 10 in our pool:
  • Young is winning at a rate of  > 50% accuracy, Andrew is not far behind him winning at a rate of  > 40% accuracy
  • Tina is in 8th place, but she has the 3rd highest accuracy % so she has the potential to keep moving up - this is why accuracy % is a metric!
  • B.I. is doing well, even with a strategy of having 21 teams that are 3 seeds or lower
  • Not in the Top 10 Highlight - Rabitoy is the only person with 0 points

The updated cool graphic of all the teams that have punched tickets, compared against the conferences that are still in play.

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